Monday, August 31, 2009

The Fire

Its flaming hard in california, this the end of the month. Fire is deadly when it is not contained. This is a sign for you and i to look within ourselves. You see, when we cannot control the fire of our own desires, our own cravings begin to burn off all reasoning and sensible logic. We become consumed in our passions. Just a thought for you to ponder on. This is curry's corner, peace out !!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today im ready, ready to be successful,
my life is for the blissful, not for the dreadful,
welcome to curry's corner, the most happening corner in the world. i say the world because you and i shape the world we live in. be yourself,express yourself. people must respect you. why is it important to be yourself? because there is no one else like yourself! love you, do you, be you, live you! again welcome to curry's corner, peace for 2009!!!!1